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September 6, 2012

Inspire Me: Healthy Fitness Go-Tos

Hello friends, happy Thursday!


Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeellz YEAH!

I rocked my jersey to work
and I'm glad the BOYS didn't let me down.

Cowboys 1-0, I'm a happy girl!

I'm also happy because TODAY is:

So ladies, how are you? Was the
week been good to you?

No, that wasn't a mistake, I was THAT excited to tell you
and myself

I've run 3 times this week and my ankle is still kickin'
I've been rehabbing twice a week
and so far so good.

Morning workouts are back
and I feel like a bazillion bucks.

I have NO IDEA if I've lost/gained weight
in the past 2 weeks,
because I haven't weighed myself.

I am going to try and see where I stand sometime next week.
All I know is I FEEL 2304802384 times better
than the last 2 weeks, because I've been able to move.

Funny, that I can CHOOSE to not go to the gym for
3 months and feel fine,
but the MINUTE I CAN'T workout
because of an injury,
1 day off and I feel like poo.
Crazy right?!!?

Moving on....

I noticed last week some ladies were feeling
and bored with their workouts or eats.

So, I thought I would share MY fitness 2 cents.

If anyone is LOOKING for some new workout blogs,
behold two of my favs.

The Fitnessista is the first FITNESS blog I ever followed. Some people love Gina and some people hate her, but I thoroughly enjoy her work outs. She is one of the few health bloggies out there that ACTUALLY has credentials, which I find refreshing.

Her husband is in the US Army and has been deployed a few times since I started reading. She doesn't just blog about fitness, but also her home life, eats and her new baby girl.

If I'm EVER in a food/workout rut, I'll head to her Fitness page to spice  up my life. Her 2012 Summer Shape up was pretty baller and I LOVE the new Tabata workouts.

She just posted this AB BURNER yesterday
and I can't wait to try it.
Join me?!?!


I only recently began following Cassey of Blogilates and honestly, it took me awhile to decided whether I liked her workouts or not. I've never done Pilates, so honestly was a little intimidated, but Cassey makes them easy to understand and fun.

Now, I'm sure this will be seen as the pot calling the kettle black,
but homegirl is PEPPY!
If you DON'T like peppy supportive feedback, you won't like her workouts.
Usually I'm good with loud and peppy, but I had to mute once
when it was a 530am workout.

However, you can genuinely tell Cassey LOVES to work out
and works hard for her smokin' in shape body.

Here is one of my favorite workouts she created.
And no, I am not having any boy issues,
I just LOVE working out my arms.
It's only 4 minutes long, YOU CAN DO IT!

Hopefully these ladies can help anyone who feels they are in a rut.
I wish I was fitnessy enough to create my own workouts, and write about it,
but I don't think I'm that creative.

If I EVER stumble upon something super awesome, I promise to share it with y'all.

Can't wait to read about every one's progress!
Keep up the great work CHICKS!


  1. ok seriously girl. Your post made me smile :) Your cowboys pic and how happy you are is totally intoxicating! :) Love it! :) Will totally check out those links you gave us!

  2. Yay for being able to run again!!!!!

    Thanks for posting these videos! I'm staring to get the itch to change things up woth my work outs. I'll be checkin these out for sure!!!

  3. Yay for your ankle feeling better!!
    I'm so trying these!

  4. Yay so happy that you can run again!! That's awesome! I know what you mean, you never really think about what you would do if your body prevented you from working out. My foot started hurting a little after my last run, and I got SO nervous that it would turn into something that would get in the way of my half marathon. I feel like good health is definitely something I take for granted!

  5. DUDE! I'm totally checking out both of those sites! Thanks friend! :)

  6. Woo Hoo for being able to run again!!! & Yes, it's funny how when we CHOOSE to sit out it's all good but, when we CAN'T for some reason the world is coming to an end! HAHA! So glad I'm not the only one that does that!

  7. Yay for a Cowboys win and for you to be able to run again! That must be an amazing feeling. I need to go for a run SO bad, but my sickness has been keeping me inside!

    I also just re-opened my blog with a new, if you want to check it out!

  8. Yay for running again!!!
    Awesome ideas for workouts! Thanks for posting :)

  9. So glad your ankle is holding up! This is so motivational! Makes me excited to pop this babe out and get back in shape!

  10. Uninspired right here! Thanks for sharing these blogs, I'll be sure to check them out!

    Glad your ankle is getting better :)

  11. YEah girl! The ab workout looks awesome.. as for the other one I have some concerns, but that's ok! I am glad your ankle is better! Keep on keeping on girl!

  12. Glad that ankle is behaving itself now ;D

  13. Nice to see, that was a interesting article.Thanks for posting me great
    DUDE! I'm totally checking out both of those sites! Thanks friend! :)
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