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November 19, 2014

Things I Don't Understand

././Why I didn't grow up a princess? I mean, really, my head was made for a tiara ;)!

././ Why my best hair days are on throw away days. I'd appreciate a good hair when it matters, thank you very much. Not when I'm just running to the store.

././ Meddlesome people at work. You have your job, I have mine, why are you sticking your nose in my stuff? Back up, do your job and leave me alone.

././ On the flip side, I don't understand when people DON'T own their job. I'm busting my tail to do mine, so it would be helpful if you did yours, so we both aren't swinging in the wind.

././ Ticket prices. Why is it so expensive to fly places and so inexpensive to fly others? I get the whole 'hub' point, but honestly, everywhere I want to fly is soooo expensive.

././ Why is Kim West still relevant? People complain about her, but, we still pay attention to her. We should just let her do her antics and ignore her. How awesome would the world be without her?

././ The same goes for Miley Cyrus, blech!

././ People that rail against you in a public forum, then proceed to copy your every 'public' move. If I'm that horrible, why are you copying me again? #findyourownfriendsandblogstoread.

././ How I able to recite the lyrics to a song I heard at my sixth grade dance, but I have trouble remembering the name of someone I just met? I'm trying to get better. I've started repeating their name during the conversation, but I still forget more than I remember.

././ Where are the personalized jet packs everyone expected in the 2000s? I watched Back to the Future, I want one of those skateboards, too.

What are some things YOU don't understand?!!?


  1. Such a fun post!! I'm with you on the first one and would ask my dad growing up if he was sure I wasn't a princess and just forgot to tell me lol!! People not doing their own job...oye!! Hope you have a great day!

  2. say what? who's ragging on you in a forum? DO YOU WANT ME TO CHOKE A BITCH??

    i seriously don't know how some people here are still employed. as in they do JACK SHIT all day long and fuck up projects all the live long day. do execs not see this shit?! #RAGE

  3. Ummm I agree with you on that princess thing! My head was totally meant to wear a crown ;) And I agree about the song lyrics thing... I don't understand how that works!!

    <3, Pamela

  4. I laughed out loud at the picture of the little girl with the crooked tiara, she looks so sad yet fierce! I question everyday why I was not born as Kate Middleton...

  5. YES to Kim KW going away... please oh please!!! That would be a Christmas miracle!

    And good hair days are few and far between for me, but like you it's never on a day where I have something going on :-P

  6. Love this post and YES!!!! good hair days ALWAYS happen on days you get to stay home!

  7. I'm STILL laughing at your first comment- I am so with you on that! We should have been princesses together!! Ha!
    Yuck, flying is disgustingly expensive. Eric's goal is to own a private jet someday.... yeah. We have big dreams, HA!
    If you made it on to a forum that's when you know you've made it big! At least that's what people told me when I made it on "get off my internets" Thankfully no one ragged on Mia and they weren't *too* mean about me, but it still sucks!
    Love you, girl!!

  8. YES to all of these! Number 3 really hits home today!

  9. hahaha oh girl- we are soulmates. I'd have to give a big fat dorky high-five to all of these. ESPECIALLY the annoying work people- just because you are heating up your coffee in the break room across the hall from me doesn't mean come in my office and chat until its done (I know I'm mean but seriously...)and yes- can we pa-lease boycott kim and watch her cry about it? E! is feeding this!

  10. haha love this post. When I first started reading I thought to myself, did I write this?? Thanks for the laughs this AM. I stopped going to concerts because I think it is outrageous what they charge. I'm sorry but I'm not supporting that 3rd house of yours or your private jet. Oh I cannot even say her name, I think she is gross and vulgar and should just go away.

  11. Amen to tickets prices. If I had a jet pack i would just fly to you. duh!

  12. I have the same feelings about Kim Kardashian!! Why doesn't she just go away!? I too am horrible at remembering names!! I'm trying to get better but, it's even hard to remember to try & remember the persons name. Lol! #lazy #slacker #willweeverseeeachotheragain #forrealthough

  13. I really don't understand ticket prices either. How are they so expensive??!

  14. hahaha! YES!! To just about all of these! So sick of hearing about Kim K. She's so gross.. I am also terrible at remembering names. I will remember a face forever but their name...nope! I HATE that tickets for everything are so expensive. No wonder I don't get out much! lol

  15. Girl, I swear my good hair/outfit days are always wasted!

  16. You are totally a princess in my eyes..! ;)
    And ticket prices are's not fair!


    Tiara's and Jet Packs... I knew we should be besties!

  18. uhmmm....WOW! This post is amazeballs!!! I could not seriously agree with you more on the whole...meddlesome people at work thing. Irritates me more than anything!!!!!!!

  19. Yes to everything in this post! But especially to the good hair days one (ain't that always the way) and the Kim West one. That booty ain't nothing but nasty, and I for one don't want to see anymore of it. Ugh. She can disappear and take Kanye with her. End rant:)

  20. I don't understand why everyone ELSE doesn't realize I'm a princess :)

  21. I legit thought I could grow up to become a princess... thought I could go to university and the like and just 'voila. princess'. no such luck.

  22. ah...very nice post..numb 1,3 and 4 are so true

  23. You could totally rock that tiara :) And my best hair days are the same way!! I don't understand why it won't cooperate when I need it to, however it will look awesome on a day that I'm not even leaving the house!

  24. Oh my gosh...people at work who don't do their job...I totally get that right now. I recently told someone "why can't he do his job so I can do mine?!" because one of my coworkers broke a system related to my job.

  25. I agree we should just STOP with the obsession with Kim! And Miley! I feel sorry for them and think they need help!

    And I also want to know why I was not born as a princess!

  26. Wasted hair days make me sad. And people that copy make me rage so hard!!! They say that "copying is a form of flattery" butttt not really to the person whom is being copied constantly while the person who is copying is claiming to be "the original one."

    Dibs on the jet packs!

  27. I don't understand every single one too.... Ahhh to be a princess!! Haha

  28. Don't even get me started on people who don't do their jobs. Why do they HAVE them?! How do people not see that they're worthless?!?! I just don't get it. Especially when there are so many people who don't have jobs but would work hard at them if they did!

  29. HA HA HA! This post made me laugh out loud. I love the one about having good hair on days it doesn't matter. It's so stinking true. I want to know why people feel like they need to judge others when they should just focus on their own life. :)

  30. Ha! I love all of these! Yes, bye Kim, no one likes you! Tickets are out of this world expensive, whyyyyyyy!?

  31. Lord yes with Kim K & Miley. Girls, please just STOP! I agree on the princess! I think something got mixed up somehow?

  32. Oh my everything about this post! I was cracking up through the whole thing! I'm probably gonna need to "borrow" this idea! And btw, I'm on the same page with you on EVERY.SINGLE.ONE of these points!

  33. I always say I should have been a princess too. :)

  34. Kim and Kanye yes and Miley they all need to go away!
    who is talking bad about you? that stinks


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