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March 6, 2015

Let it Snoooow or Let it Go

What's your vote, gals? More snow or should it just go, go, go away? I'm ready for spring temperatures, but find snow so beautiful. I was able to work from home while we received 4-8 inches yesterday and it was so gorgeous outside. Then I went outside to shovel and it was just heavy, haha. Yes, I said shovel. I put on my big girl pants and muscles to help my neighbor shovel our parking lot. Talk about a good work out, woof!

So, it's Friday and I'm stoked. This week has been pretty busy, as I'm finally getting rid of everything in my old single girl apartment. Le Husband's roommate moved into my old place, but now he's bought a house so I have to get everything out by next week. I have to admit, it was kind of sad because I trashed a lot of things that just don't work in our apartment right now. There were a lot of great memories with my first 'big girl'purchases and as much as I'd like to keep things, it is time to move on and let it go.

Okay, let's get on with my Friday linkups.

Favorite Whole30 Moments of the Week: Today is day 12 and I'm feeling pretty good. I found two recipes I LOVED this week and am loving the extra energy and sleep filled nights. I've been up later than normal this week but am still waking up happy and ready to face the day. There are a lot of recipes I'm looking forward to trying next week.
Favorite Quote of the Week: Amen and amen!
Favorite Video of the Week: I saw this on Kathy's blog and giggled my lil heart out. Take a moment to watch it and try not to laugh, it's impossible. "Lululemon is down the street..", thanks for making me laugh, Kathy!

Favorite Funnies of the Week: Time to laugh it up, friends.
Favorite Links of the Week:
The makeup 5:2 fast is gaining popularity and I for one am thrilled. Give your skin a break, ladies!

These animals will melt your heart and make you yawn.

A sweet post from a mom about grace.

Try not to cry watching people hear for the first time. #heartwarming

Le Husband and I have already visited a few of these destinations, with Banff being my favorite. Hoping to add a couple more within the next few years.

50 years later but Julie and Christopher are still timeless

A radio station in DC helped make a special needs kid's dream come true when they facilitated backstage passes to a Maroon 5 concert. All the feels because of Adam Levine.

I hope y'all have a great weekend. Mine will be consisting of a lot of baseball and trying to keep up with Whole30. I've prepped what I can and just hope we can find compliant restaurants where we travel. #igotthis.

**linking up here, here hereherehere and here this week**


  1. Oh my gosh, watermelon boy. What is that? Hilarious! And I think we're all pretty much ready for God to send the Spring weather. Kinda over this whole freezing cold thing. Happy weekend!

  2. Watching people hear for the first time gets me every single time- what a miracle!! I love that YSL quote, so true and yay for you getting a different kind of workout with the shoveling!! Hope you have a great weekend!! xo, Biana - BlovedBoston

  3. i say let it snow! only because i rarely see it and it rarely sticks. i know i'd be over it if i lived up north. but it's snowing it now!! giddiness. and the yoga video was hilarious. i needed a laugh this morning.

  4. Hurray x infinity for meal prep! I'm proud of you, lady friend! :)

  5. I am so OVER the snow! I am hoping the round we got yesterday is the LAST!!!!

    Those pictures crack me up!!! That cat one is the best!!!

    Have a fab weekend

  6. Wow day 12 of Whole 30 - great for you!! I've heard so many people love it and how it makes them feel. Oh and that watermelon boy? That is SO Cruz =)

  7. Those memes are great!!! I love that FB one!!!

  8. Way to go on staying strong with Whole 30, you're my hero! :) That article about the 5:2 makeup fast is really interesting!

  9. Oh my gosh, so much snoooooow! It's so easy for me to forget that it is totally WINTER pretty much everywhere else in the country! If it makes you feel better, I'm dreading our 88 degree weather next week. TOO EARLY! I'm gonna die from the heat this summer!
    Laughing so hard at the images you found! You always share the best stuff! Love ya, girl!

  10. How to get a woman mad....that's exactly right! lol

  11. Shoveling is the worse, right? I'm so over shoveling and the snow. Although, we only need like 3 inches to break a record and I wouldn't mind getting more snow so that we can break the record. At this point, another 3 inches is nothing. That is like a dusting. Have a great weekend.

  12. Hahaha the cat in the cone is priceless, so awesome! Have a great weekend. :)

  13. That chicken looks so good!! I love the cone funny & the screaming girl.

  14. I am sooooooo over the cold, so I'm in the "Let it go!" camp! :) Love that YSL quote!

  15. OMG that cat in a cone - it took me a good 30 seconds to realize what was going on in that photo lol. That cracklin' chicken sounds wonderful. So glad you're doing well with Whole30 - you go girl!

  16. I am SO over the snow!! I think we may have hit 100" this winter! Although, now I'm afraid of where it's going to go when it all melts!!

    I need to check out your links - I'm intrigued by the makeup 5:2 fast!

  17. OMG that chicken looks SO good! And your Friday funnies are killing me this week. That poor (really huge) cat hahaha! Happy Friday!

    <3, Pamela
    Sequins & Sea Breezes

  18. i laughed so hard at the 'take a picture and don't show her' lol
    i think snow is super pretty... but only when it's nice and peaceful. it's so gross on the side of the roads and whatnot and i am SO over it. we were out there for like 2 hours shoveling the driveway, deck, sidewalk and getting the snow off our cars.. it was fun though, i think we got like 9-10 inches but i have no idea. it was a snow day which was awesome! have a great weekend doll!

  19. LOVE that quote. And the peonies, of course. Happy Friday!!!! xx

  20. LOL at updating your FB status! So sad that some people actually do that :-P

    Happy Friday gurlie, hopefully some warmth is coming your way!

  21. Hahaha totally OTHER people's reactions to me when I have ever tried to play a video game. Poor kitty but totally hilarious. Happy weekend :)

  22. that cracklin chicken looks so amazing!! :)

  23. The snow really needs to go and let the Spring come in! Have an awesome weekend!

  24. Haha I feel like that about the baby. We are getting rid of all of our stuff to make room for this baby taking over our life.

  25. So, so ready for the snow and ice and winter weather to be gone for the year! Hopefully very soon! I'm glad you're enjoying the Whole30 so far- I love finding new recipes that you love.

  26. I am still hoping for more snow, but we are supposed to have sunny & warm (60s) weather all week! '(

  27. I hope you're having a great weekend!

  28. Love the quote and that first funny is hilarious!!


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