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May 5, 2015

Icky-Icky Phew-Phew

That was my week last week. For rizzle dizzle it was a hell of a drag shizzle. And it was a week I didn't seem coming, if that makes sense. I was coming off a great weekend with my BOFF and didn't have anything crazy planned during the week. Figured I'd be a lil tired Monday but then hit the week running, like normal.

But then the extra delay happened. That changed my 11pm arrival home to a 135am arrival to an airport and then an hour drive home for a 230am arrival to my bed. I was lucky enough that my boss allowed me to work from home, but I realized that I had indeed lost my kindle on my trip. No idea where because I didn't use it the entire trip, which is baffling to me.

Alright, losing something stinks, but that's not a huge deal. Then came two work days full of crazy ish because of a downstream team. Meaning stuff wasn't getting done the way it should be but there wasn't anything I could do about it, which is uber frustrating, right? That coupled with some not good sleep nights which made me cranky so I started picking at those closet to me which is NOT the way it's suppose to be but we all know it happens.

I tried to pull myself out of it, with funny blog posts, treats after dinners and I skipped every morning workout to try and recharge. But, it seems as last week was my quick sand week. As soon as I started to move I dealt with a really bad soccer game where I was part of the play where the other team scored. Are there more important things is in life than coed soccer games, HECK YES! But, it's never fun being that person especially when you're just a sub.

So we finally made it to Friday and I was one day away from the weekend and the straw broke the camel's back. Someone stole my cleats, my brand new cleats at the sportsplex. I was livid and soooo upset because I'm not normally the lose it kind of girl, but a kindle and cleats in one week, yeah not cool. I lost it when I got home and just cried in the shower. I knew it was silly to be so upset, but it just felt like one thing after another after another and I just could get out of the quicksand that was my week. I crashed out in bed and slept for almost ten hours which was awesome.

Saturday finally brought back the sunshine thanks to some gorgeous weather and a wonderful date night with my husband. It was an impromptu night out and full of delicious food and that really helped put me back into my normal pink mindset.

We took a fun walk after dinner to B&N and I found some fun books. Does anyone remember Little Women? One of my all-time favorite books growing up. I'm adding the other two to my reading list.

Sunday was another great day that helped pull me back to normal, part of it stemmed from the twelve hours of sleep I accrued which was glorious. It is amazing how much more human I feel after a lot of sleep [mamas out there I applaud you… I don't know how you do it, muah]. I also was able to get to Dick's Sporting goods and found some new indoor cleats in time for my game on Sunday night.

Originally I was just going to post about my weekend and not acknowledge the disaster that was last week. Because, honestly, who wants to read about the drama in my life? Especially when it wasn't anything major nor was anything significantly wrong. But, that just felt off to me. And, I honestly had no desire to try and craft a happy post on Sunday. I wanted to just enjoy the day and sleep after my soccer game. So, this is me. Real and raw and today just a bit dramafied.

Before you go, happy Cinco de Mayo! Le Husband and I celebrated on Sunday at our favorite Mexican restaurant with a fabulous mariachi band. Truly a great ending to a not so great week. I still think I'll have a margarita tonight, who's with me?!? I hope you have a great day.


  1. I'm so sorry you had a rough week and you had every right to be sad/upset over someone stealing something and not only that but it was brand new - I would have cried too! I'm glad your weekend was great! xo, Biana-BlovedBoston

  2. WHO THE HELL STEALS SHOES????? sometimes the adults are worse than kids. i'm sorry you had such a crap week but they say it comes in 3s so seems to me you're clear for the rest of the year :D

  3. So sorry you had a rough weel girl but Im glad youre feeling back to your normal pink self! And whatever you were eating on your date night looks amazing! Hope this week is much better for you!

    <3, Pamela
    Sequins & Sea Breezes

  4. Sometimes it really feels like one thing after the other! I'm so glad you were able to recharge (and get some rest) over the weekend to eventually turn things around. I would have been so upset about the missing cleats and kindle so I don't blame you!

  5. Sorry you had such a rough week! You have earned that margarita tonight!

  6. UGH what a crappy week, I would have cried too! So sorry someone stole your shoes, that's SO lame! Glad your weekend with the hubby helped you feel better and I hope this week is fantastic!

  7. Oh girl, I totally hear you. This was my week but two weeks ago! Sometimes we just have to let it all out (and get a LOT of sleep ;)) to feel better. Glad you had an awesome weekend and here's to a great week ahead!

  8. Oh sweet girl! I am SO sorry! That is a crummy week indeed :( I'm so glad that Saturday and Sunday were just the days you needed to recharge, regroup and start feeling happier. I hate the saying "when it rains it pours" because it's SO true! And that's when it's hardest to get a handle on the situation, when life just keeps throwing crap at you :( Thank heavens for good weekends, good books/food, and you're wonderful friends and family who love you no matter what, even when you're having a ROUGH week!

  9. If I could fly there and hug you I would. I am so in need of something to get me out of the baby blues funk.

  10. A rough week like that just flat out sticks - good thing that is behind you and cheers to hopefully a better week this week!

  11. We all have days/weeks ... even MONTHS like that. Hope life is picking up for you.
    Those shoes!!! Indoor cleats are COOL!

  12. We all have days/weeks ... even MONTHS like that. Hope life is picking up for you.
    Those shoes!!! Indoor cleats are COOL!

  13. That sucks girl. No other way to put it. I'm sorry you had such a rough week, but I'm glad the weekend got a little better and hopefully this week is going to be a great one for you. Losing things or having something stolen sucks so bad!!! XO!

  14. I'm so sorry you had such a rough week, hope your Kindle (and your cleats!) turn up. I hate to think some idiot stole them. But yay for a much better weekend *hugs* girl!

  15. Sorry to hear about your rough week. Hope things get better soon.

  16. I'm so sorry it was such a yucky week. I would have been so mad if something is just bought was stolen too. And if I lost my kindle I would be lost. I hope this week is 100% better for you. :)

  17. Traveling can be so draining and then those delays ugh. So sorry to hear! Also with the two lost items, I would be upset too. Sounds like not the brightest of weeks but thankfully you got lots of R&R this week. i would have totally felt the same ways. Cheers to brighter days ahead and hopefully a margarita tonight! xx

  18. Traveling can be so draining and then those delays ugh. So sorry to hear! Also with the two lost items, I would be upset too. Sounds like not the brightest of weeks but thankfully you got lots of R&R this week. i would have totally felt the same ways. Cheers to brighter days ahead and hopefully a margarita tonight! xx

  19. I'm so sorry you had such a horrible week! I absolutely hate when I lose something or someone steals something--it is absolutely the worst, so I understand where you're coming from.
    I hope this week turns out to be better than last week!

    Also, I absolutely love crepes--that looks delicious!!

  20. someone STOLE your cleats? i am effing infuriated for you. that is ridiculous. i am sorry you lost your kindle girl, and i'm sorry about the other crap you had to deal with as well. i really hope this week is better for you!

  21. Oh hun, we do want to hear about the negative. that is real life.

    I don't understand the concept of stealing. Baffles me. Sorry you lost your kindle too, i would be very upset as well. That is normal.

  22. What are we, three years old that we STEAL things now?! My goodness, I'm angry FOR you. Sorry you had such a rough week, lady, but hoping this week is much better!

  23. STOLE YOUR CLEATS? What the crap...people are so stupid and idiotic and childish. I think its time to whip some tail. xo Amanda

  24. We all have those weeks sometimes! I'm glad the weekend helped it get better and yay for new cleats! Them are snazzy ;)


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