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March 7, 2013

Anti-Pasta, Pasta Bake {Recipe Files}

Hey kit kats, I'm here today with one of my
favorite figure friendly and easy meals. 

Today I bring you
Chicken/Sausage No Spaghetti Bake

Clever name right?!

C and I have made this multiple times,
but don't really have a name for it except
"Spaghetti without noodles bake".

Whatever you call it, this dish is, easy
and purdy darn healthy [depending on your cheese intake].

What you'll need:
1]Sausage or chicken cut up into bite size pieces
{we usually use 2 packets of sausage}
2] Peppers, onions, mushrooms
3] Mozzarella cheese
4] garlic
5] Marinara sauce
{I haven't put amounts because it truly depends on how much you LIKE 
each ingredients and how seasoned you want the meal.}

::Step 1::

::Step 2:: 

::don't forget to ADD the delicious GARLIC:::

::Step 3::
Combine the meat, veggies and marinara sauce in the cast-iron

::Step 4::
Top the combined mixture with the cheese.

::Step 5::
Pop the cast-iron into the oven for about 10 minutes
or until the cheese gets all melty and gooey.



  1. Mmmm that looks like some ooey gooey goodness :)

  2. This looks so yummy! I must try!

  3. i had three initial reactions to this post:
    #1 I should try this
    #2 No, I should find a boyfriend (i mean, fiance eeeee) like C to make this for me
    #3 I should just go to Pinky and C's house so they can make this for me.


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