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October 31, 2011

"You are drivin' me NUTSSSSS!"

Happy Halloweenie ya'll! I hope the weekend was a blasty for everyone and you enjoyed dressing up in costume, drinking and eating candy. I had a great costume weekend on Saturday, seriously one of my best ones to date. Some of your guesses were correct, so with no further adieu I present:

Makenzie from Toddlers & Tiaras!!!!!!

Complete with white floppy socks!

Makenzie and her Mom (SportySpice)

Never a happy child



AMAZING lookalike here. Seriously SportySpice ROCKED IT OUT!

In case you didn't hear, there was SNOW on the east coast this weekend.
YES....SNOWWWWWW!!!! I was going out Halloween Saturday in a tiny dress and heels while it was snowing and sleeting. SERIOUSLY!!?!?! The bar was less crowded though which was a nice bonus!



Can't leave the house without my Ni-Ni!!!!




Such a pageant mother!


So, right here my camera broke and I have no idea how. One moment it was in my purse working, the next the lens wouldn't shut. I WAS PISSED! I am hoping the insurance I bought will cover a new one because I can't LIVE without my camera. All of the photos below are courtesy of the my iphone ( i did the iOS upgrade....NIGHTMARE)

Best costume to date, everyone on FB loved it!

My Scottish man

We wanted to put on an actual Toddlers and Tiaras performance. Please enjoy the pictures below.



"Makenzie just has a GREAT personality!"

My lovies!

SportySpice ran into a friend from Grad School

Me and Black Swan (the trendy costume of the night)

Hooray for surprise friends

Love Le Beau

Figuring out their photoshoot

Dance it up!

Photobooth fun!

The aftermath of an amazing costume. This is what I woke up to Sunday morning.

Couple Collage! I love this app

All it all it was a successful Halloween weekend. I love my costume and I wasn't out tooo late. Today I am rocking my Miss Fabulous costume at work since I can't wear my Toddlers dress. I hope everyone has a great day today, full of treats and not tricks!

October 27, 2011

Friday list of my life

Yes it's that fun weekend of dressing up (or down if you're a girl hahaha). So it's Friday and it's random....again, but what else is new!?!?!

1}I've been working since last weekend getting everything together for my costume and it's been more of a pain than I thought. I've known what I wanted to be for a really long time and had the MAIN pieces together since I already own them. I did a trial run last night and it made me think....
Suuuriously the costume WON'T WORK unless I can find this last piece and duuuuuuuuude NO ONE has what I need. I might be ghettofabulous and rig a not so cute version if I have to, but cross your fingers I can find what I need.

2}Target is my nemesis....for real!
Yes, you read that correct, I bought CHRISTMAS STUFF!!! But I can explain, I'm not a fall/Halloween girl. I'm just not. But CHRISTMAS anything and HELLLO, it's a party. I may or may not have bought 3 Christmas Cds.

3}These have been circulating my life recently
and they put me in a funk. A I am POed at everyone funk. And it's bad and mean and I don't like it. But then I get to reading blogs about other people's hardships and man, it really makes me think
New attitude over here Missy!

4}I am struggling in my personal life with hard decisions and I'm just STUCK! I can't share more right now because 1)it's personal and 2)I don't want to write it out because that makes it real. Please just pray for God's Will and for me to LISTEN! Love ya'll!

Alright it's time to close up shop! I hope everyone has a fantastical Halloween and loves their costumes. HOOORAY FOR DRESSING UP!