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April 1, 2016

Once Sentence A Day and APRIL FOOLS!

Good morning, ladies. I am struggling this week with the late nights and busy bee days. I didn't get home for dinner until 8:45p last night so putting together a Friday post was not happening. Thankfully I have this post to share today on the first of the month, woohoo! It's fun to look back on each day in sentence form, thanks to Rebecca for this idea.

1. So freaking happy for my first day off from the gym in eight days.

2. I hope my car estimate isn't more than I expect.

3. Holy cow my big reveal post goes live today!

4. UGH, so mad our delayed flight made us miss picking up our nephew from school.

5.! #butohsodarlingadorablewhentheysleep

6. Thank goodness our flight was short and smooth.

7. 5am is soooooooooooooooooooooooooo early!

8.WOW, it feels so good to run and win in sports conditioning class.

9. I am so going to miss the city life when we move because walking to a trendy restaurant with Le Husband to dinner tonight was sooooooooo wonderful and fantastical. #iateonepointthreepoundsofshortrib

10. How in the world am I going to pack for our trip, pack my soccer bag for Sunday, pack my bag for Monday's class, pack my bag for the gym on Friday and prep lunch all before 10pm?

11. Dear travel gods, please be good to us.

12. What a beautiful day for hiking and watching baseball. #lovespring

13. I am truly sad about playing my last indoor soccer game at the Sportsplex. #ontobiggerthings

14. Good gravy, DST makes 5am come a lot faster than normal.

15. Mahi-Mahi might be one of my favorite fish for dinner.


17. So happy we finally had our sissy meet up at dinner.

18. Oh my gosh, I miss going out with the girls and dancing to awesome music. #tobeyoungagain

19. Did not eat enough food today, nope I did not.

20. Holy week begins today, Hosanna in the HIGHEST!

21. Egad, 5am will never stop feel too early.

22. Incredibly mad I missed my sports conditioning class, but so glad I reached a new high squatting and received a compliment on my pullups. #betterthan60percentofthemen

23. I love catching up with the sissys, friends while drinking sangria.

24. Felt like doodoo while teaching but Le Husband said I rocked it. #heneverliesthankgoodness

25. Today's Friday...but Sunday's coming.

26. Why in the world did I NOT check the weather before biking into DC? #popsciclepartyoftwo

27. Christ is Risen, He is Risen indeed.

28. Last 6am BODYPUMP class, so many mixed feelings. #nomoreearlymornings

29. Need.more.sleep...late night storage runs are killing me.

30. Feeling fresh after getting my hair did.

31. Tomorrow is April which means BIRTHDAY and VACATION MONTH is HEEEERRREE!!!

I also thought I'd share some funnies since today is April Fools. If you get tricked I hope it's done kindly and isn't anything awful. I'm sharing only pranks I myself would find funny. #bekindtoyourfriends #heeheehaahaa


Hope you have a GREAT day and fabulous weekend! < 3


  1. #19 is me every day lol!! Oh my gosh if someone pulled the balloon trick on me I'd flip! Have a great weekend girl! xo, Biana -BlovedBoston

  2. This is such a fun post - totally stealing this idea as long as I remember to do it! Those jokes are HILARIOUS! I am not a big fan of April Fools but I could probably handle those...although I would need a real brownie after not finding a pan full - so sad!

  3. #11 is seriously me every.single.time we travel. You just never know!! The mouse April Fools joke would drive me insane until I figured it out!

  4. I totally love pranking other people like my husband but I hate being pranked myself-haha The struggle is real! Have a wonderful weekend!

  5. So confused on the mouse one and the rubberbands. The cake would be so cute. You had such a month.

  6. i like this post idea! so cute. 30 is a hell yes. and 29 - that is so me this week. didn't get home til 11:30 and i'm dragging! happy friday girl!

    xoxo cheshire kat

  7. Happy Friday! This is a fun post. I've never really had a good April fools joke played on me, yikes I hope i didn't jinx myself. The ones you shared are funny. Have a great weekend! Beautifully Candid

  8. the mouse being covered with a post it made me laugh as did the the dollar bill one! LOL!

  9. Delayed flights are so frustrating!!! I hope you enjoy your trip.

  10. I so loved seeing someone else do this - its fun to read a month in a life :)

    Oh girl.. the sound of a dentist office - I soooo feel you!
    Tears on last indoor dodgeball games with your group
    He is Risen INDEED!

  11. I love this post idea! Omg those April fools ideas...I would die if someone did that balloon one to me! I also love the sponge cake one! Ha.

    Have a great weekend!

    xo, Kristina

  12. Okay I love this sentence a day idea! Such a fun way to look back on the previous month!!!

  13. oh my gosh i am not a fan of april fools pranks being played on myself, but of course i love to see the silly things on the internet. april is gonna be an amazing month for you!!!!!!

  14. Loving all the April Fools Day funnies and any pic of you with the sissies! Such a fun post, I may have to steal this idea <3
    Green Fashionista

  15. Those April Fools pranks are cute. I like how they are harmless. And what a fun post pulling one sentence from each day. Might use that one too!

  16. Too funny about the "Brown E's". I hope you have a wonderful weekend! Blackened Mahi Mahi is my favorite!

  17. I wouldn't mind those April Fool's jokes, the Brown E's were really funny. Yay for it being a great month to come! I love this idea, going to steal it for some future month...perhaps this month, since it's the 1st, and I can start today. Thanks!

  18. Lol I love the April fools funnies! The $1 derp face is hilarious and I would totally do the spider thing to scare my sissy, all in good fun. I hope the travel gods are with you girl!!!

  19. Oooh this is such a fun post idea! I love how it's such a unique recap of the month!

  20. These jokes are hilarious. I love the brown E's!


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