THANK YOU FOR EVERYTHING 2011!!!! You were a great, fun, fulfilling, adventurous year.
There were ups and downs but the UPS were FAR GREATER than the downs.
Below are just some quick collages of my year. I know I'm missing a TON of memories but I believe this provides a diverse and enjoyable snapshot of my year. I can't believe everything that went on and MAN OH MAN am I blessed.
A quick list of the fun in 2011!
- My Boo turned 30....eeep!
- Went to NY for a special recognition work TRIP!
- Surprise trip to TN for Granddaddy's 85th Birthday
- Went to a wedding for C's best friend and finally met his homies!
- (Mama B got sick, but is all better now)
- SFKO for a kickball tourney! Created life long friendships thanks 18 Dummy
- SportySpice turned 25 woop woop!
- FINALLY was free of a toxic situation
- Celebrated my 28th BIRTHDAY!
- Got my BLOG REDID!!! Soooo happy with the look now!
- Visited Babyspice down at Law School
- My two young cousins came to visit
- Learned how to MASTER the side bang twist!
- 2nd place finish in the DC tourney and I was MVP!
- We said goodbye to sweet Muffin RIP
- Visited C's hometown and met his parents for the first time
- Suprise party for my other grandfather in Alabama!
- Learned my family LOVES to be the center of attention and wear fun hats
- Blackops went over seas to serve our Country!
- MY sweet Fresh Prince turned 2!
- Family trip to Tennessee
- And his babysissy will be arriving early next year yay!
- Went to VEGAS again for a kickerball tourney and this year Babyspice joined!
- Sportyspice ran her very first race.
- BlackOps came home for R&R
- Babyspice turned 24!
- We went to Kentucky for Thanksgiving and I got to go to a football and basketball game!
- I went to the DC Blogger blitz and had my first BLATE
- Grandaddy came to DC for Christmas.
- My family and friends supported me throughout the year and I couldn't be more grateful!
Thank you 2011 for being so awesome....BRING IT 2012!!!
Wishing you and yours an amazing New Year! <3 to all of you in blog land!