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January 10, 2019

A Deep Inhale, A New Year, A Fresh Perspective



Hello, friends. 

Hello, 2019. 

Hello, blog. 

It has been a minute since I've posted here. Not like I was posting a ton before, but I purposefully took a break mid December to just be in the season. To savor it because I had life's needs, wants, have tos and stresses take over. I needed less to think about. I needed more air to breathe. I needed to turn inward instead of looking outward. 

So, I stayed away from blogs. And spent less time on Instagram. 

It was magical and glorious. 

As was my Christmas time with family. Four fantastic days together in VA and all the feels were had. My sweet niece was adorable. My sisters were so fun. Le Husband had a great time and I was able to catch up with a few local friends, too. 

Waking up without worry was wonderful. Having people excited over my growing belly was so fun. Being with those I care about most made my heart so happy. Christmas day was so perfect, good food, family time and naps. Wonderful naps. 

Thankfully I was able to end my December month much better than anticipated so my stress and fear in my job is minimal to none now. Again, another post for another day but I wanted to mark the attitude shift. The mindset change. The ability to just be. 

I am using this month to get reacquainted with who I truly am. Who I used to be and who I need to grow into as I grow a baby. I am stepping back up in the kitchen. I'm planning my workouts more. I putting energy back into my instagram with fitness and working to create more workouts and possibly trial them with people. 

2018 was a lot of stress. A lot of holding my breath and waiting. So much tension. 

I vow not to let that happen again. I vow to remember to breathe through tough times instead of burying my head. Inhale good energy, exhale the bad. I will remember to be more present. 


  1. I'm glad the holidays were good to you! Cheers to 2019! This year is yours!

  2. I am happy to hear that you took advantage of "YOU" time! That is sooo important and I completely agree - everything is perspective and attitude! Have a great weekend!

  3. So glad you had a wonderful holiday with your family! Here is to a great month of getting reacquainted with yourself!

  4. such a good reminder for us all - to make that mind shift. Take those deep breaths. Most of life isn't in our control anyways so why hold tight to things we can't steer?

  5. Happy 2019! Your holidays sounds so relaxing. Glad you had an amazing time with your family!

  6. Wishing you the very best 2019 girl. Rooting for you!

  7. Cheers to unplugging and spending time getting loved on by your family. (I unplugged from work in a lot of ways too - and it did feel good.) Looking forward to all the blessing 2019 has in store for you! Much love to you as you figure out what you want to balance and share!

  8. Beautifully said! I did a lot of unplugging in 2018 too, and it was so important.


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